Sunday, August 15, 2010

Competition Hotbuy!


As you know there is a new hotbuy. Well, I thought that we should have a competition in which you have to make an outfit using it.

How to enter-

1. Get a outfit made up either from your suite or starplaza.

2. Take a screen shot, button is called Print Screen at in top right hand corner of keyboard.

3. Open paint or whatever you use to select bits of page. (If that makes sense)

4.Save it and send it to EllieStardollFanatic@Hotmail.Co.Uk

Then I will put all the entry's into one of my post's and let the SDF readers choose.

Good Luck,
Ellie xox :)


  1. i have entered too :D good luck to all the competitors !!!! and ellie, keep up the good work!!!!
